How To Ask For A Raise
Being an employee may not feel particularly extraordinary. If you think about it, you're only responsible enough to hold a job and receive a steady pay check, but you probably lack the resources or confidence to start your own business and become the boss. As an employee, you lack control, or you’re restricted by your work hours, and your progression in the company is usually determined by others. You rarely discuss being an employee in conversations with people, and “salaried laborer” isn’t the best introduction for many attractive people sitting alone at the end of the bar. But in all this, it’s your salary is what distinguishes your value and how much crap you’re willing to put up with. While your employer might occasionally show bits of appreciation to you, the true sense of significance often lies in the monetary value they assign to your work. Typically, these moments of remuneration occur annually, accompanied by a performance review that quantifies how much or how ...